
Rhododendron maddenii subsp. crassum

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Rhododendron maddenii subsp. crassum
Family: Ericaceae (Heath)
Synonym: Rhododendron crassum, Rhododendron manipuriense
Distribution: Cambodia; China (Annam, Tonkin, Xizang (Tibet), Yunnan); India (Manipur, Nagaland); Laos; Myanmar; Vietnam
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Comments: Habit: Variable wide spreading shrub to 4m x 6m.
Foliage: Dark leathery leaves, greyish and densly scaly below.
Flowers: White funnel shaped flowers, often flushed pink with yellow throat, scented, 2-8 per umbel. Usually late in season about Nov-December.
Further information: This is the eastern form of R. maddenii which tend to have larger leaves, usually 90-150mm x 55-80mm and the seed capsule has a flat topped shape as opposed to ssp. maddenii with leaves 60-110 x 28-40mm and with rounded capsules.


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