
Rhododendron simsii

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Rhododendron simsii
Family: Ericaceae (Heath)
Distribution: China (west and south); Japan; Laos; Myanmar
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Life form: Shrub - evergreen
Comments: Habit: A much-branched twiggy shrub with a full, upright habit.
Foliage: Elliptic to oblong-elliptic leaves 3-7cm long x 1-2cm broad. The upper surface is green and sparingly covered with adpressed bristles whilst the underside is paler and more densely bristly. The new growth is a reddish colour when young.
Flowers: Trusses of 2-6 broadly funnel-shaped red flowers with some spotting.


  • 1: Matthews M4 (T3/M4) • Accession: T3/1970-1012/A
  • 2: • Accession: T3/2022-0177 (14)‎ • Provenance: Garden - wild origin
  • 3: • Accession: T3/2017-0356 • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual