
Dacrydium cupressinum

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Dacrydium cupressinum - red pine, rimu, huarangi, fr., puaka
Common name: red pine, rimu, huarangi, fr., puaka
Family: Podocarpaceae (Podocarpus)
Distribution: New Zealand (North, South and Stewart Islands)
Life form: Tree - evergreen
Comments: Habit: A tall forest tree which can grow up to 60 m tall. It has a straight trunk of up to 1.5 m in diameter.
Foliage: Evergreen with drooping branchlets and very prickly small spirally arranged leaves. The leaves of young plants may be brownish green and up to 7 mm long. When the trees mature, the leaves become an attractive green and are about 3 mm long.
Reproduction: Rimu has separate male and female trees with the female trees bearing black seeds with fleshy red collars. Generally large quantities of seed are produced about every seven years with almost none in other years.
Distribution: Rimu are endemic to New Zealand and occur in lowland and lower montain forests throughout the country.
Cultivation information: Rimu are easy to grow, as long as they are protected from strong wind, and they form beautiful specimen trees for the larger garden.
Uses: The timber can be used for furniture and construction. The inner bark can be used to treat burns and cuts.


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