
Rhododendron degronianum subsp. yakushimanum 'Ken Janeck'

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Rhododendron degronianum subsp. yakushimanum 'Ken Janeck'
Family: Ericaceae (Heath)
Distribution: Japan
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Life form: Shrub - evergreen
Comments: Habit: Compact rounded shrub to 2.5m.
Foliage: 6-21 x 3cm, elliptic or linear-lanceolate, usually recurved. Thin indumentum on upper surface persisting for several months, lower surface has a thick, white to tawny, woolly indumentum.
Flowers: 5-10 flowers per umbel, pink, spotted or unspotted, larger than true R. yakushimanum.
Further information: Garden raised seedling of R. yakushimanum which may be a hybrid.


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