
Rhododendron bureavii

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Rhododendron bureavii
Family: Ericaceae (Heath)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: -40 - -30 F
Life form: Shrub - evergreen
Comments: Habit: Compact slow growing shrub, 1-3m.
Foliage: Elliptic leaves, dark green covered with thick reddish wool below and on shoots.
Flowers: 10-20 per umbel, white flushed pink, crimson flecks, bell-shaped.


  • 1: Ayckbourn A10 (T3/A10) • Accession: T3/2012-1112 • Provenance: Garden - wild origin
  • 2: Larcom W9 (T3/W9) • Accession: T3/2019-0198/B • Provenance: Garden
  • 3: • Accession: T3/2022-0165 (4)‎ • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual